Ever since the Age of Enlightenment, science in Western society has largely diverged from philosophy and spirituality. They were seen as opposite ends of an ideological spectrum. Science was innately logical and linear; it could be said that a worship of logic as Ultimate Truth emerged. Philosophy and spirituality were innately non-linear - their truths could be fluid and maleable, depending on the situation. Thus, since logic could not be applied, many considered (and still do consider) spirituality to be nothing more than an entertaining diversion for those who chose to participate in its rituals and traditions. Individuals and groups who see the universe this way are certainly welcome to their viewpoint; it is no more nor less valid than any other, including mine.
What I've found fascinating, however, is the compelling point we've reached in our understanding of the universe, how it works, and especially what impact our thoughts and beliefs have on its workings. Anyone who has even a passing interest in Quantum Mechanics and related areas of study knows what I mean. We now have experiments that seemingly prove conclusively that our thoughts, our consciousness, not only shapes reality, but may very well be the very building material of reality.
The very Zen concept of all being One is turning out to be a literal truth. We are all connected; all living things, all seemingly inanimate objects, the Earth herself, and so on. Physical matter is made up of very little in the way of actual "stuff" that has density. Solid matter, when studied at the molecular and atomic level, is mostly open space and energy fields.
This is one of the books I received as a Yule gift - Quantum Enigma. From the back cover: "In trying to understand the atom, physicists built quantum mechanics, the most successful theory in science and the basis of one-third of our economy. They found, to their embarassment, that with their theory, physics encounters consciousness." (Emphasis added by me - Jo)
Also from the back cover: "...every interpretation of quantum physics involves consciousness. (the authors) therefore turn to exploring consciousness itself - and encounter quantum mechanics." Take a moment, and read that quote again, perhaps aloud. By my interpretation, it means that we cannot understand the underpinnings of the universe without understanding and taking into consideration consciousness itself. That is a phenomenal statement; one that promises to shape our ongoing dialogue of "science vs. spirituality."
Another book I received as a Yule gift promises to be a fascinating trip far down the rabbit-hole in Alice's Wonderland - The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief. (Written by Gregg Braden, author of The God Code
"In 1944, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying that this 'matrix' is where the birth of stars, the DNA of life, and everything between originates. Recent discoveries reveal dramatic evidence that Planck's matrix - The Divine Matrix - is real." (Emphasis added by me - Jo)
The Divine Matrix is a deceptively thin book, at 210 pages of content (not including Endnotes, Index, Acknowledgments, and so on. However, the content is deep - and by "deep," I mean "the vast deepness of the cosmos itself." This book (and the one above) will be read more than once, in order to absorb the material more thoroughly.
The first read is simply a chance to take in the concepts without getting too caught up in the minutia; rather like the 30,000-foot view. Then, additional reads will result in flagging and quite a bit of note-taking. These two books will add much to my ongoing research about connections, and their being the foundation for recovery and wellness.
I am excited to begin the intellectual adventure that awaits me within these two fascinating tomes. As I read (and begin to comprehend) the content, I'll share my insights via Twitter and this blog.